Tuesday 12 September 2017

Wonder Woman Comic Con Trailer

In the comic con trailer of Wonder Woman there is a closely draw focus towards the dramatic music in the background and the sound effects. So the start of trailer there are slow and quiet sounds which gives access for the music to progress and build up. It develops into quite a haunting sound as it is a single voice singing softly and grandly. It also helps set the film as the music relates to mythical themes and ancient times which is when the film was set. The film has Greek mythology so it seems fitting to have a Godly and haunting voice in the background to help with context.  Then once the film production title is shown the music changes to a darker sounding one with sharp sounds as each clip changes to give an intense effect, however drawing out long silences to give off a more eerie and intriguing  outcome. Though it dramatically changes to a faster and louder tempo to speed the pace of the trailer up and excites the viewer. The music involves loud sounding bangs which sound almost like gun shots meaning the viewer can pick up that there will be fighting and a war. The sounds of swords and metal slashing against each other can also be heard which indicates more fighting. After this escalation the soft singing from the start also plays along with the dramatic music to create an unnerving feeling yet interests the viewer and thrills them to keep watching as it builds up its pace. The timing of the sounds also play a great importance as they make the movie look in sync and it flows better making each movement and clip change sharper than it would be with just continuous music. Loud sounds are heard for certain movements/actions and each clip change. However to emphasize the intenseness the music cuts for a few seconds as Wonder Woman says a line. This is done obviously to add significance to that specific sentence as all that you can hear is her speaking. This then unfolds into the final piece of music which is faster than the rest had been. The sharp sounds grow faster making the viewer feel on edge and awaiting the ending. In the ending it finishes with the actors speech being louder and the music stops subtly which gives emphasis to what they are saying which was humour to make the viewers laugh. Then ends with three loud bangs which sound like strong drums to add to the context of the setting in Greece and gives a sudden ending like a cliff hanger.

1 comment:

  1. I'm really pleased with all the effort you put into these tasks Carys - well done! This will stand you in great stead for the terms ahead - keep up the great work!



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