Thursday 14 September 2017


Semiotics - the study of signs
Also of anything which stands for "something else"
We read images and pictures in an attempt to decode then and make sense of what they mean to us

Denotation- What we see when we look at an image (what it is)

Connotation - What we understand from this image (what is the meaning)

  • The use of red in the title indicates that there will be a lot of blood in the series. This is further emphasised in the subtle hint of blood splatters and drips around the title.
  • The old fashioned font creates an old fashioned feel which brings in the context of the program and is relevant as the characters are thousands of years old (vampires/witches/werewolves)
  • The picture is overall dark however there is a hint of light coming in from the right side which shines on the two main characters. This draws your attention to them first and highlights their importance. He's sat beside a woman which could lead us to think that their is a love interest although, there is another woman behind who is holding a clear gaze at the man portraying her as a distant lover.
  • There is a black raven sitting onto of the far right mans shoulder. The raven represents death which indicates the character could bring a lot of death and is dark and evil. Though the light behind him could mean he has some goodness and light to him.
  • The man on the far left of the table is opposite the other on the end. They are both facing opposite on either end at the head of the table implying that they could have some form of rivalry to be head.
  • Wolves are a symbol of guardianship, ritual, loyalty, and spirit. Wolves have the ability to make quick and firm emotional attachments, and often need to trust their own instincts. This very much could resemble the characters of these people.
  • The candles in the foreground could represent how fragile peoples lives are and that they could be blown out at any minute.

1 comment:

  1. Insightful comments Carys, with detailed observations.
    - Keep using the new terminology.



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