Tuesday 25 September 2018

summer work

·         On the 20th February 2016 David Cameron announces referendum on whether Britain should remain in the EU.

·         Dave announced this to end the long running dispute within his own party and the country as a whole on Britain’s membership of the EU.  He felt under pressure in part because of the growing popularity of UKIP. He gambled on being able to win the vote to remain within the EU.

·         The remainers argued that Britain’s interests were best served by remaining in the EU.

·         The key remainers were the PM, the Chancellor, Osborn, the home secretary Theresa May, Nicki Morgan and Ken Clark.

·         The leavers argued that Britain would be better off outside of the EU. They became known as Brexitiers. The key leavers were Boris Johnson, Michael Gove and back benchers such as John Redwood.

·         After Cameron resigned, Michael Gove, Steven Crab, Angela Leadson, Theresa May and Liam Fox ran for the leadership.

·         May was chosen as leader of the Conservative Party on the 11th of July 2016

·         The general election was won by the conservative party on a reduced majority which meant they could not form a government alone despite being the largest party. As a result they formed an agreement with the DUP.

·         Jeremy Corbin’s popularity was due to an increase in the membership of the labour party; particularly amongst the youts. They in turn have been motivated by left wing grass roots movements such as Momentum. Many young people have been disillusioned by traditional politics and saw Corbins visions of social justice as something they could more easily relate to. 

·         Westminster Bridge – 22nd March 2017

·         London Bridge – 3rd June 2017

·         Borough – 3rd June 2017

·         Manchester – 22nd May 2017

-          These were all Islamist inspired attacks carried out by individuals who had links to or were in sympathy with Isis.

·         Finsbury Park – 19th June 2017

·         Jo Cox – June 16th 2016

-          This was carried out by an individual who had a grudge against Muslims.

-          This was carried out by an individual with extreme right wing views.

·         This began as an uprising by those resenting the oppressive regime of President Assad. Initially they sought democratic reform and in this they were backed by the west, however the moderates were soon overtaken by Islamist groups most notably IS who were backed indirectly by Saudi Arabia. In reaction to the growing Islamist threat Assad sought the support of Iran and together they found Russian military support. This resulted in a long drawn out devastating civil war with many deaths and up to half the population being displaced. As time went on the west equivocated while Russia stepped up their support.  Consequently Assad has regained virtually all the territory he lost and the war is close to an end.

·         Many of those displaced have ended up in overrun refugee camps on the Turkish Syrian border or in Lebanon. Still more have fled to Europe and have ended up settling in countries like Sweden and Germany a few hundred families have been housed here in the UK.

·         The Grenfel  Tower broke out on 14th June 2017 in the 24-storey Grenfell Tower block of flats in West London. This incident highlighted the huge social divisions in London. More significantly it pointed out the economic fault lines in the area
·         NHS – doctor’s strikes, worry over privatisation, waiting times
·         Charlie Gard
·         Football sex abuse
·         Murray wins Wimbledon
·         2016 Great Britain Olympics success
·         Immigration
·         Royals: Engagement: Announced: 27 November 2017
#Metoo campaign: Movement against sexual harrasment and assault - Spread virally October 2017
Windrushscandle: 2018: Political scandal - Concerning people wrongly detained etc. deporting from the UK
Youth Aggression: In London: Acid Attacks: 2016 - 395 attacks. 2017 - 465 Attacks. Stabbings: 2016 - 1749. 2017 - 80 died


D83 Trailer Analysis The opening of the trailer uses sound and editing to draw the audience in. Explain why this is effective:...