Tuesday 19 September 2017


Mise en-scene from Great Baddow High School Media

Task 1:
1. Goggles, Test tube, Microscope etc.
2. Flowers, Chocolates, Wine
3. Mask, Knives, Gun

Image 1
The emotions portrayed in the left character are feelings of hopelessness and blandness and the person on the right looks concerned. The whole image coveys a serious emotion.
Image 2
The feelings conveyed in this image are feelings of nervousness as they are looking carefully and are crouching down as if hiding and being on watch.
Image 3
This image has a man looking strict and powerful as he has his hands on his hips and his head is held high. He looks proud whereas the soldiers look shy and intimidated as they have there heads lowered.
Image 1
The positioning of the two characters in this image imply that they do not get on well. The distance between them could show some conflict between them and present the plot of the film which could be them two working out there differences or having major conflict with each other.
Image 2
In the center of this image our attention is brought immediately to the ax wedged into the wood. This could tell the viewer that the main theme of the film is death and that there could be blood and gore.
Image 3
In this image the two men are side by side meaning that the characters are close and shows a good friendship or teamwork.
Image 4 
The center of the page brings attention the main character on his own which implies he is significant as all the other people are faded in the background.

1 comment:

  1. Good, detailed work Carys. Well done.
    - Where is your emaze?



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