1) What was the task you were given and who was your target audience? As the audience wasn't typical of the product how did you manage to sell it? What was the name of your brand?
Our task was to create an advert that would spread awareness for sexuality. We specifically targeted the audience at homophobic bullies and everyday teenagers. The message was that you don't realise the effects until It effects you so we reversed the sexuality roles to make gay more acceptable than straight. It shows what homophobic bullying can do and our goal was to show awareness of this bulling and that you should be accepting and a friend to everyone regardless of sexuality. Our brand was called Same Love because love is love no matter what its all the same.
2) Who did you work with and how did you divide the research, planning, filming and responsibilities?
I worked with Mia, Jamie, Natasha and Alistair. We divided our roles but also worked cohesively as a team. Natasha did all of the filming, and all of us posited ideas and came up with our story. Jamie helped with the brainstorm and Mia, Natasha and I did the story board. Mia and Jamie both participated in acting. Mia started of the editing and I took over and completed the majority of it whilst being an actor. Alistair did the voice over and helped with tech things.
3) How did you plan your sequence?
To plan the sequence we made a story board and draw each shot and wrote what happens, the camera angle and length of shot.4) What research and planning did you undertake?
We planned by putting all our ideas onto this whiteboard in a mind map/brainstorm.
5) What was you initial feedback? What did others say about your production? How successful was your sequence?
Others quoted that it put the message across clearly and was very different and creative. The editing and music apparently worked well together too. Overall I believe it was successful.
6) Identify what went well and with hindsight what you do to improve/do differently.
I think our planning/ideas were good and that the filming was well done and editing done well. However I do believe that a lot of things could be improved such as organization and effort from others, also at times our ideas were jumbled and we had to shorten it and it was quite hard to make the message clear.
7) What have you learnt from completing this task (groups skills, communication, compromise, using your initiative, creative input, production skills, editing etc)
I have learnt how to take initiative and output creative ideas. I've also learnt to take others ideas on board to make everyone happy. I also learnt major editing skills and also how to merge to different sounding pieces of music together and timing certain scenes to specific beats in the music.
8) Looking ahead, how will this learning be significant when completing your future productions?
This will help me achieve better work due to good communications skills, more effort and hard work cooperating with others.